It’s Time to Deliver!


I have not written in quite some time, as I have recently given birth to our handsome little son. He was born on March 3, 2015 at 3:44 a.m. He weighed 6 lbs 9 oz. We named him Noah Jacob. Noah came an entire month early (exactly 4 weeks before his due date) and was born very quickly, without time to prepare.

Noah’s birth gave me such a revelation. A revelation I feel led to share with you. When I went into labor with Noah it was approximately 8:15 p.m. The contractions got closer and closer. Within an hour they were only 2 to 3 minutes apart and we left for the hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital, I was placed on a machine to monitor my contractions. I noticed many of my contractions were not registering, but I definitely felt them strongly. I mentioned this to the nurse. She adjusted the belt around my belly and said “well, sometimes its just the position of the monitor.” The nurses called the doctor (who was at home because it was now 9:30 p.m.). The doctor instructed them to check me for dilation and then to check me again in 2 hours. When the nurse checked, I was 1 cm dilated. That does not sound like much but when you are on your 7th child and just a few days earlier were not dilated at all, that’s actually quite a difference. Well, I laid there for 2 hours, with contractions coming every 2 to 3 minutes. The nurse came back in as I was breathing through yet another contraction. She checked me and said that my cervix changed just a little bit. I was still a 1 but there was a slight change and it got shorter. I was thinking in my mind “good, they are keeping me and I will able to get an epidural.” After they called the doctor and told him the information, the doctor sent the nurse back in to DISCHARGE ME!! I couldn’t believe it. The nurse said that the doctor is going to send me home because he doesn’t believe I am in labor since I am 4 weeks early and that I should go home and rest. To come back if my contractions pick up. I told the nurse that my contractions were already 2 minutes apart and that this is my 7th baby. I told her I knew I was in labor and that I deliver very fast. I also told her my concern of a home birth. Disregarding everything I said and my concerns, I was sent home with pain medication, being told that I was not in “real labor.” My husband and I left the hospital at midnight. We went home and I laid in bed in pain. Finally, 2 hours later, I could not handle it anymore, my contractions were still at 2 minutes apart. My husband and I left for the hospital again. When I got there, I told them I am NOT going home again and that I am in labor. They checked me and told me I was now 2 cm. I said “NOW can I have an epidural?” The called the doctor and the doctor told them no, to keep an eye on me and that he was not admitting me to the hospital yet! Finally about 30 minutes later, I was given some pain medication to help me. The pain medication lasted for about 5 minutes and did not work. The pain was so excruciating. I kept telling them I am in labor, but the doctor did not think I was. It felt like no one was helping me, even though I asked for the help. An hour later (at 3:30 a.m.), I told the nurse I felt the baby moving down and I felt pressure. They checked me and were shocked to find that I was already 8 1/2 cm dilated. I said “now do you believe I am in labor?” One of the nurses said to another to call the doctor and tell him to come right away. They checked me 5 minutes later and I was at 9 1/2 cm. Within 30 seconds after that, my water broke and I could feel the pressure of the baby coming. The nurses told me whatever I do, do not push until the doctor gets there because he was on his way. I said “How are you going to tell me not to push? I can’t hold him in anymore.” The next contraction came and our son was born at 3:44 a.m. Everyone was standing around in shock and I said “can someone please get the baby, he’s out.” There was an intern there who had never delivered a baby before. She picked up my son and her instinct took over. Thank you, Jesus. Approximately 5 minutes after Noah was born, the doctor came in and the nurse advised him the baby had been born. I said “Sorry, doc, you are too late.” The doctor turned to me and said “I’m sorry, I really didn’t think you were in labor.” I said “that’s okay, I tried telling all of you I was in labor. Noone wanted to listen.” At 4 weeks early, our little guy was perfect. He had all 10 fingers, all 10 toes and went home with us the next day. He was born in GOD’S timing, not man’s.

Throughout my labor, the Lord was there with me, giving me sweet revelation. I would like to share that revelation with you today.

The Lord has impregnated you with a vision/dream/purpose. You have been carrying it inside of you and have been nurturing it. You have felt its movements, even when no one else could. You have felt the vision growing inside of you. One day, the time will come for you to labor and birth that vision/dream/purpose. Do NOT allow anyone or anything to tell you it is not time, that you are not due yet or that you are not in labor when you are. Often times, man will use intellect. They will say “oh its not time, you have a little while to go still.” Or “This is not the real thing, go home and wait it out.” Some people may even think or say you are crazy and that it’s not really happening. Remember, God’s timing is PERFECT. He does not work on man’s time. He knows everything and He knows exactly when you are ready and when it is time to birth what He has placed inside of you! When the contractions start, you may be crying out for help because it is painful. You may be looking to others to help you, but no one will. You may even be asking for something to take away the pain (i.e. a Spiritual Epidural), but it may not be given. Sometimes, we are called to push through the pain and focus on the blessing that is about to be birthed. Pain produces progress! God is moving quickly and regardless of whether people believe you or not, your blessing is COMING. Your vision is about to be birthed. It is going to be birthed quickly. Man makes plans, but God orders steps. You may have thought your birthing was going to go a certain way, that you would have time to enjoy the laboring and maybe even get some rest. But, God is saying GET READY!!! It’s going to come in like a rushing flood (He’s about to break your water!) and your blessing is about to be birthed quickly!! The people you thought would be there to help you deliver (i.e. the spiritual doctors, friends, etc.) may not even make it to the delivery!!! Remember, it’s God’s timing. Not everyone will make it to where He is taking you. Not everyone can be there to experience your blessing. Allow God to guide you through it all. Do NOT listen to man or the nay-sayers. They are not the ones that are carrying what you have inside of you. They are not the ones who can feel it coming. YOU ARE!! It may be painful, you may feel alone at times and like you are going to have to do this yourself. You are not alone, God is right there with you. Don’t allow others to tell you when its time, God will tell you! You will feel it. And, most of all, don’t let others tell you when its time to PUSH!! God knows the perfect timing. It’s time to get ready for labor and to deliver your blessing!!! Time is short and Jesus is coming soon.

I pray that this revelation has blessed you as much as it has me. It’s time to PUSH and walk into your destiny! Your time is HERE! It’s time to DELIVER!!

Happy Valentine’s Day to My Beloved (A Love Letter from God for the Single Ladies)


As this day begins and I think of you, my heart is warmed. You are the most beautiful woman in the world and you stole my heart the moment I laid eyes on you. I cherish everything about you…the way your eyes twinkle when you smile, the way your face glows when you are full of laughter.  I even love the way that you look when you wake up in the mornings, without any make up and your hair is a mess.  I love everything about you.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are my beloved.

Today, as the world celebrates Valentine’s Day, I want you to know that you are in my heart always, not only today.  When things may seem difficult or in the times when you may feel alone, I want you to know that I am here. I have never left you. I will NEVER leave you.  I am here forever. Though this season may seem like a wilderness, walk through it gracefully, for I am your husband. Allow me to fill that void you are feeling. Allow me to romance you and teach you how to first love yourself as much as I love you. Please know that I never make mistakes and that even when you may stumble yourself, I am right here to pick you up, dust you off and embrace you once again. My love is unconditional. My arms never grow weary from holding you. I catch every one of your tears in my hands. I take the time to know every little thing about you. All of your likes, your dislikes, what makes you smile and what makes you cry.  After all, I knew you before you were even formed in your mother’s womb.
Right now, I am preparing the perfect man for you to spend your life on earth with, as I continue to wait for you in eternity.
Please be patient. I promise you that he will be worth the wait. Do not allow your heart to be sorrowed today. Do not become sad when you look at others who may be in a relationship or married. Do not compare yourself to them. Do not allow the world to dictate what day you are to love, for I celebrate my love for you everyday, not just on February 14th.  I know at times it is hard. Allow me to be your comforter, your provider and your strong tower. I love you, my sweet beloved. I am yours and you are mine. This love will never end.

Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.


Embrace Your Freedom

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

You are not bound by your past. You are not bound by what others think of you. You are not bound in your individual life and you are not bound in your marriage. There is freedom in Christ. I have seen too many marriages go through unnecessary stress and drama because of outside influences. Those influences can be external such as family members, friends, others, etc. Influences can also be internal, such as lack of self esteem, past hurts, etc. You do not have to be bound anymore. Anything (or anyone) that is causing you to be held back or bringing stress in your marriage, release it. It’s time to be free and to walk in your freedom – the freedom you have in Christ. If something or someone is causing ripples in your marriage or is causing drama, stress or stagnation, let it go. It really is that easy. You are not obligated nor are you responsible for other people’s actions or feelings. Do not hold onto things or people out of feelings of guilt. Your marriage is what is important and your marriage is between you, your husband and God. Noone else and nothing else. Freedom is a beautiful place – a place of peace, a place of flowing. Embrace your freedom today. It’s yours!
-Heart of a Wife

Talk Before It Happens

One thing in marriage that is really helpful is for you and your husband to discuss possible scenarios and responses before they happen.  When both of you are calm, collected and in a good communicative space, speak with one another about potential scenarios that may come up and discuss a favorable response/outcome that you would make you both feel respected and comfortable.  That way, when a situation arises, neither of you are in the “heat of the moment” making choices and neither of you is unsure of how to handle a situation.
For example, when a person of the opposite sex tries to confide in you or your husband alone, without the other present.  Or, if a female coworker asks your husband for a ride home after work (or a male coworker asks you). Perhaps another scenario would be to have a “code word” for the two of you to say to one another to alert of a possible situation that is uncomfortable while you are in a group of people.  By discussing these issues prior to them arising, it can avoid an argument and relieve the tension of trying to make a “right” decision in unknown territory.
This has been a huge blessing in my marriage.  My husband and I have discussed several scenarios and have come in agreement with expected and favorable outcomes for the both of us. Many of the scenarios have arisen and we are able to make decisions based on what has already been discussed.
By having these discussions with your spouse, the two of you establish healthy boundaries with one another and also learn how to conduct yourselves in a way that will honor and bless your marriage and each other.   Remember, the enemy would love nothing more than to come into your marriage and cause confusion & division.  By having open and honest communication between the two of you, you can shut the door that the enemy is trying to kick open in the area of communication and decision making.
-Heart of a Wife

Moms of Warfare – Prayer for Our Children

Feeling so strongly in my spirit to pray for children. These days, the attacks on our children are real. Media such as television, video games, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. is flooded with demonic attacks just waiting for our children. Sexual innuendo is running rampant, teaching our children that it is okay to experiment with bisexuality, lesbianism, homosexuality, etc.. It is teaching them that God makes mistakes by telling them that they should have been a boy when they were born a girl or should be a girl when they are a boy! Bullying is at an all time high. Children are now committing suicide because of being teased relentlessly. They are “sexting” and exploiting their bodies, without understanding the full magnitude and ramifications of their actions. Our children are facing so many things that we never had to worry about when we were growing up. A nasty comment or statement used to only be spoken to one child and a handful of others when we grew up. Today, a nasty comment or embarrassing statement can be spread to MILLIONS over the internet, just by one click of a button. The enemy MUST get his hands off of our children! We cannot sit back and allow this to happen to our kids. We, as parents must stand in the gap for them. It’s time to engage in spiritual warfare and stop the enemy in his tracks! “…..the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16. I don’t know about you, but I am fed up with the influences that I am seeing around our children. It is so sad that you cannot even turn on the DISNEY channel without worrying what you will see. Won’t you be in agreement with me for our children!

Lord, we come to you right now, in the name of Jesus. We lift our children up to you and ask you to place a hedge of protection around them as they walk through this life here on earth. We come against ALL schemes and attacks of the enemy for their lives, in the name of Jesus! We bind and cast out all thoughts and influence of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgender thoughts right now, in the name of Jesus. We command the enemy to get his hands off of our children. He has NO authority in Jesus name! We plea the blood of Jesus over our children’s thoughts, souls and minds. We bind and cast out all bullying and thoughts of suicide in the name of Jesus. We declare the innocence and purity of our children is protected and will endure, without perversion. We speak against all feelings of self doubt and low self esteem. We come against all thoughts or feelings of addiction and drug use. We speak life into our children. We speak victory over them. We speak success – success in their schoolwork, friendships, relationships and family. Right now, Lord, close all doors that need to be closed and open the doors that need to be opened. We sever all toxic relationships in their lives, in the name of Jesus. Any relationship, friendship, etc. that is not from you, Lord, or that is tearing them down instead of building them up, it must be removed right now in Jesus name! Thank you, Lord for healing any wounds and mending any broken hearts that our children may be experiencing. We thank you for completely healing them in Jesus name. Thank you, Father for your protection. We stand in the gap for our children and declare that the enemy CANNOT and WILL NOT touch them, in Jesus name!! We call forth and stir up their giftings, talents and the spirit of God within them. Thank you, Lord for the victory over our children’s lives. As for me and my house, we WILL serve the LORD! In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN!

It is done, it is finished and the enemy CANNOT have our children. It is time to be Moms of Warfare!

God bless you all.
-Heart of a Wife

Wake Up to a Fresh New Day

Each day is a new day. Start it fresh with your spouse. Don’t carry anger, wrath or disagreements from the previous day into the next. Resolve conflict and talk it through before you fall asleep, that way you can wake up refreshed and without discord.

“Be angry, and do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your wrath” Ephesians 4:26

Afflicted for Deliverance – Purpose In Your Pain

People don’t want to learn from someone who is book smart and perfect, they want to hear from someone who has been there before. Someone who knows what it is like to be afflicted and persevere. Out of your pain, there is purpose. That is why testimonies are so powerful. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Paul says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” Paul definitely knew what it means to go through affliction, trials, tribulations and persecution. We don’t go through things just for ourselves, we go through them so that we can help others. People don’t want to hear “I’m sorry you are going through that.” They want to hear, “I know what you are going through, I’ve been there.” Empathy (the ability to share an emotion) is more effective than sympathy (feeling bad for someone). Empathy can reach someone on a completely different level than just sympathy itself. Life is not easy. If it were, God would never had to send His son to be our Savior. You are not alone in your suffering.

Some people think that we, as Christians, should never go through any trials or tribulations. They believe if we do, something must be wrong with us or there is some sort of sin that is being committed. Many women feel as though they need to “hide behind a smile” or “put on a show” so that no one knows anything is wrong. They hide their pain, their scars, their suffering behind the walls they have built. They are secretly being attacked on the inside and feel alone in their suffering. The enemy wants you to feel that way. He wants to isolate you and attempts to bring in depressive thoughts, so you think something is wrong with you. In today’s society and the world’s perception, image is everything. It is a shame that society has taught women that they need to compete with other women and “look good” on the outside or else something is wrong with them. Ladies, even as Christians, we can undergo attacks from the enemy. NOONE is exempt from attacks, temptation, trials or tribulations. Just because you are saved, just because you are anointed, that does not mean that the devil just leaves you alone. As a matter of fact, when you are called and are flowing in your calling you are even more susceptible to attacks from the enemy, because he is threatened by you. That does not mean the enemy will win, he is defeated in Jesus name. You have the authority in you to defeat him. God has given you that power. However, it does mean that the enemy does not just stop attacking just because you are a Christian. If the enemy stopped attacking us, then why would God tell us to put the full armor of God upon us everyday? You don’t have to put on armor, unless you are going to battle. Make sense? Spiritual warfare is real. Don’t give up.

If you are going through something in your marriage – in your life – I am here to tell you that you do not have to hide behind an image. It does not necessarily mean you are doing something wrong. Of course, it is always important to examine yourself to make sure that you are right with God. Even David, who was considered a man after God’s own heart, had to pray for God to examine him. In Psalms 139:23-24, he cries out to the Lord and says, “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” If anything you are doing is causing the affliction in your life, God will show you. Do not ever think something is wrong with you, simply because things may not be perfect or because of your past. God is going to turn your test into a testimony and victory, in Jesus’ name! Your testimony will enable you to minister to others who are facing exactly what you may be facing now or have faced in the past. Do not put on a mask or build walls to make others think you are perfect. The only perfect one who has walked this earth is Jesus Christ. There is nothing wrong with you, you are perfectly imperfect. There is freedom in tearing down the walls and taking off the mask. Others will receive so much more from you if you are just yourself and show others that you have been there! You were afflicted for deliverance. Not just deliverance of yourself but deliverance of others. Others who are facing or will face what you have been through. Out of your freedom, you will be able to help others obtain freedom. That is such a blessing!

You don’t have to hide anymore. God has this and you WILL come out victorious! It is not about being perfect. It is about allowing God to take you from Glory to Glory! There is no such thing as a perfect woman and there is no such thing as a perfect wife.

If you are going through something and you need prayer, please feel free to leave a request here or private message me. I am here to pray with you and help you through whatever you may be dealing with. You are not alone.

God bless you all
-Heart of a Wife

Words Without Weapons

God tells us in His Word that death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21) and that blessings and curses come out of the same mouth (James 3:10).

One thing is certain. Our words are powerful, they can either build up or tear down. You have a choice to either use your words as a blanket or use them as a weapon. A blanket is used for warmth, comfort and security. A blanket shields from the chill and cold. A weapon is used to tear down, kill and destroy. When a hunter uses his weapon, his intention is to kill his prey.

When words are used as a blanket, they provide comfort and healing to the recipient. The words provide warmth in the midst of any challenges and security in the midst of any fear. “Blanket” words build up and encourage. They give a sense of hope to the person who hears them. They can also diffuse any anxiety or argument. The first part of Proverbs 15:1 says, “a soft answer turns away wrath…” You have power of life in your words. You have the ability to bless someone else simply by what you say.

The second part of Proverbs 15:1 says, “…But a harsh word stirs up anger.” These are what I like to call “Weapon Words.” Too often when we are angry, we allow words to be used as weapons toward others. We are upset and we want them to know it! When words are used as a weapon, they tear down and destroy the person who is at the receiving end. Words can literally kill a person’s spirit. Do not use your words to curse. They can steal a person’s sense of security and destroy their self esteem. They can turn a normal conversation and discussion into an angry wrath. Weapon Words cause severe damage. They are like a tornado that rips through a town. Inevitably, the storm will cease and its rage will calm, but not without leaving behind devastating destruction.

In marriage, there will be conflict. It is inevitable. Some disagreements may become more heated than others. It is so important to remember these concepts when having a discussion with your spouse. Use your words carefully and choose LIFE. Your spouse is not your enemy. The true enemy(the devil) wants nothing more than to cause you to use your words for death. He comes to “kill, steal and destroy” your marriage. Do not allow him a foothold in your life or in your marriage. David said it best in Psalms 39:1, when he said we must learn to bridle our mouth and not sin with our tongue. He knew the importance of mastering the power of our words. He knew how easily it is to sin with our tongue – how easy it is to let angry words escape from our mouth. It can be a challenge to bridle the tongue but ALL things are possible with God. You have a choice. You can either use words to produce life or use them to produce death. You can either build up or tear down. You can use your words as a blanket or as a weapon. It’s your choice. Who will you serve this day?

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

God bless you all.
-Heart of a Wife

Stay in Your Lane

Stay in Your Lane

My husband and I have something playful we say to one another. He started it one day and it has just “stuck.” We were in the kitchen cooking together one day and I reached over him to add some things to what he was cooking. He playfully exclaimed, “Hey, stay in your lane, woman!” We both got a chuckle out of this and it has now become an ongoing playful statement between the two of us. Whether we are brushing our teeth together and the space gets a little tight or we are watching a movie and one of us wants to change the channel, or I reach for his robe instead of mine because it’s closer, we playfully proclaim to each other, “Stay in your Lane!”

Today, I was thinking about how funny it is to hear this and how we love to laugh in our marriage. Then, I began reflecting even deeper on those words. “Stay In Your Lane.”

Think about it for a second. How often do we find someone crossing into our lane? Overstepping boundaries? Giving unsolicited advice? Pushing themselves on us and not giving us the space we need? I am sure we have all encountered people like this at one time or another. The people who just can’t seem to understand their boundaries and wont stay in their lane. There is a fine line between giving advice and imposing on someone. Let’s go one step further, how often have you been that person yourself? With others or even in your own marriage, with your own husband? We as ladies need to be very careful not to overstep boundaries with others. I mean, let’s face it. Sometimes, we feel the need to “help people along” or “guide them” in different areas. But, the fact is, it’s NOT your place! Just like it is not someone else’s place to impose in your life.

Think of it this way, even God Himself saw boundaries as so important that He created them Himself. Boundaries that nothing or no one can cross. In Jeremiah 5:22, God is very clear, when He says…”Should you not fear me?” declares the LORD. “Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it.” (NIV)

The ocean can only come so far but cannot cross the boundary of the sand that God created. The ocean has to stay in its lane! Why? because each of the elements of the land and the sea have a purpose. They work well together when they both stay within their boundaries, but once they try to cross the boundaries, it creates chaos and destruction. There is either corrosion or flooding. Their purpose becomes compromised. Boundaries are healthy and must be established. Boundaries in marriage; boundaries with friends; boundaries with family; boundaries with callings; boundaries at work; boundaries with acquaintances. The list goes on and on. We are all different and that is what makes the world such a beautiful place. If everyone would just stay in their lane, there would be so much more harmony. What happens when lanes are crossed?  You end up having a side swipe or a head on collision. There is destruction in the wake of the crash. It can cause severe injuries – or worse – a fatality of a relationship.

It can be very frustrating at times to deal with someone who continually oversteps boundaries. Go to them in love. If they do not listen, then simply distance yourself from that person. If you find yourself in the midst of overstepping boundaries yourself, take a step back, reflect, pray, ask for forgiveness. It’s so much easier when traffic is flowing than it is when there is a pile-up.
Know your role and “Stay in Your Lane!” .

I pray this blesses you. God bless you all.

-Heart of a Wife

Time To Board

I preached a powerful message before on baggage and how God is our “check in.” That sermon is burning in my spirit today. Too often, we attempt to board the flight of the destination(purpose) God has for us, but we are over packed and too weighed down. We try to take all of that baggage on board with us, as if it is our fellow passenger. God wants your baggage. He wants you to “check it in” with Him. He wants you to have freedom from past bondage so you can enjoy the flight (journey) to your destination. He wants to free you so that you can be effective in your destination(purpose). You cannot be effective if you are weighed down and bound by all of the luggage you have been carrying. Lay it all at the foot of the cross. Cast all your cares & anxieties upon the Lord. Give it ALL to Him. It’s time to board! No carry-ons allowed on this flight!!

“Give all your worries to Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

-Heart of a Wife